From left to right Ethan Sample, Nawal Gaal, Reese Hardman, and Emma Irvin
Lauren Larsen and Riley Bucholz
T.C.’s chapter of the Health Occupation Students of America (HOSA) organization attended the State Competition in Williamsburg, Virginia and won big. HOSA advisors Laura Evans, Josephine Bloodsworth, and Brian Wright teach medicine-related classes at the King Street campus and Minnie Howard as part of the Health Sciences Academy.
Senior Ugochi Ihezue said, “HOSA states is a great way for students to assess their abilities and different career paths in the medical field. It also gives them the opportunity to meet other kids [with similar] interests around the state.”
Nawal Gaal, Reese Hardman, Emma Irvin, and Ethan Sample are the talented second place winners of the Creative Problem Solving category. This group was required to work together to solve a health related problem using technical skills.
Virginia Arnold came in second place in her Medical Terminology Knowledge Test. This written test focused on spelling, defining, applying and interpreting terms.
Emma Irvin and Reese Hardman placed second in CPR/First Aid. The students had to demonstrate their emergency preparedness skills and their ability to offer basic life support.
Second place in the Community Awareness project goes to Nahum and Jayson Makori. This gives students the opportunity to create a project encouraging community awareness in safety or health issues.
Ethan Sample placed third in the Pathophysiology Knowledge Test. This test evaluates the students’ knowledge on defining and applying prefixes, suffixes, and roots for pathophysiology terminology and their ability to identify human diseases.
Isabel Frye achieved fifth place in the Researched Persuasive Writing and Speaking category. This category assesses the students’ ability to research an issue affecting the heath community, develop a compelling thesis, and present information in a oral presentation.
“This is my last year of states, but the club as a whole did really [well]. So many people made it to nationals [and] that made me really happy as the President,” Frye said.
Danya Adam was runner up in Medical Law and Ethics. For this test, Adam had to recognize and interpret ethical and legal terms in a simulated scenario.
Frye also got third place in the Prepared Speaking category. This category evaluates organizational and presentation skills when informing an audience on a predetermined topic.
Vice President Nadia Moallin said, “States was really fun. It was exciting to compete in different things and go to different workshops to learn more about the health organization. I really look forward to seeing where they take HOSA [and] I hope to see more people place for nationals and be more involved in the community.”