Kiran Pippin-Mathur
VSCO day: Monday
Grab your HydroFlasksksks and put on all your scrunchies because Monday is VSCO day! Remember to wear a messy bun and an XL t-shirt in an aggressively trendy pastel color! Have fun protesting with every teacher that “I am wearing shorts under this!” And I Oop! You will enjoy this day if you always advocate to “Save the turtles!” and post about it on your Instagram story daily, even though you do nothing to help the environment except use metal straws for your Starbucks. Don’t forget to cover your Hydroflask with stickers, and get Birkenstocks and a Fjallraven Kanken backpack.
E-Boy/E-Girl Day: Tuesday
Want to be trendy but not emo? Do you love lip-syncing to Lil Peep on TikTok while flashing your metal chains and abs (or lack thereof)? Say no more! With E-Boy/E-Girl day on Tuesday, you can finally live out your e-boy/girl fantasies. This day is for you if you draw people in with your edgy lifestyle and skater clothes but then ghost them after two hours because you’re a free spirit and don’t like labels. (No hard feelings right? ) Some essential items to get for this day are a metal chain to fashionably drape over your chest, a long-sleeved striped shirt under a Thrasher t-shirt, and a pair of high top Vans or Doc Martens. For boys, do not forget the one earring hanging from your ear.
Decade Day: Wednesday
Today is all about combining the different ages of students and the love of history that we all hide deep down. Show the pride you have in your class year by participating in Decade Day:
Freshmen: 2000s fashion
Vests over long sleeve shirts, tank tops over long-sleeve shirts, anything you can wear over long-sleeve shirts. The fashion sense is a little confusing and all over the place but so are you as you get introduced to what T.C. (and high school for that matter) really is.
Sophomores: Greasers: 1950s
Summer lovin’ is done and it’s time to face real life: the T.C. campus. Throw on your leather jacket, hairspray your hair until you can’t anymore, and try to find your own biker crew as you face off against the biggest threat: the cafeteria. lol
Juniors: The Great Depression: 1930s
The stock market has crashed and so has your motivation. Throw on a trench coat and fedora and try to find a job in THIS ECONOMY while you tackle college admissions, SATs, and all those AP classes.
Seniors: Roman Era: 27 BCE-14 CE
Seniors, now it’s your time to shine. You’re in the golden year! Tie those togas, slip on your sandals and bring goblets of grape juice (wink wink) to sip as you try and prepare yourself for college.
Dress Code Day: Thursday
The Dress Code is an important set of rules that ensures every student is comfortable and is ready for learning. Well, it would be if anyone actually followed it. This Thursday, look up the Dress Code and follow the rules exactly. Look through your wardrobe and pick out outfits that specifically follow it. Just wear whatever, but remember that you did sign the Advisory roster. Some essentials for this day are a paper bag (remember pits to tips!), a knee-length skirt, and a turtleneck shirt (after all, girls are the only ones they dress code!).
Evacuate Day: Friday
Everyone knows that schools practice fire drills at least two times a year, but for this last school spirit day we are introducing a new safety measure. All you have to do on this day is to show up to school with everything you usually would. After getting to school, you must go to first period, then when the announcement sounds, everyone leaves. But remember, do not rush out the door. On this day, you have to shuffle out of the building as slowly as you need. Take time to pause and look at your phone a bit or stop and chat with some friends. Essentials for this day are earphones blasting music so you can’t hear anyone and the one person in front of you that moves very, very slow.