Seniors Learn the Meaning of “Rise and Shine” at the Masonic Temple
Hunter Langley

Senior class officers: SGA President Miranda Sedehi, Class Vice President Nyla Fox, Class Treasurer Ella Kahl, Class President Karam Burjas, Class Secretary Kiernan Almand and SGA Vice President Maddie Oehler lineup for a photo

Eliel Goddot, Anthony Parsons, Joey Schmidt, Eric Marlow, Tony Ignacio, Braden Porterfield and Ned Lu enjoy the sunrise together

Ella Kahl and Kiernan Almand hold up the “2021”

Patrick Kenney and Halle Reinholtz

Nyla Fox and Karam Burjas throw up peace signs

Allie Ryder, Kaela Coren and Meg McKenna pose for a picture

Star linebacker Jesse “Polamalu” Bonilla

John “Booty” Kanu holds back laughter

Mike Honesty flexes

Albert “Big Al” Calamug throws up the peace signs

Rachel Simmons, Anna Rigby, Lauren Maho, Kendall Rayome and Izze Metzler enjoy the view together