Susan Hale Thomas
Harper Travis
Staff Writer
The annual ceremony to welcome the newest additions to the Alexandria City High School (ACHS) Athletic Hall of Fame took place on Saturday, September 18th at 2:00 pm in the ACHS auditorium. ACHS aims to recognize and honor the talents of those individual athletes, students, and coaches, by showcasing them in the Athletic Hall of Fame. The ceremony was full of people who have contributed to the growth, integrity and encouragement of athletics at ACHS.
The Athletic Hall of Fame was opened by Alexandria City Public School superintendent, Dr. Hutchings. Hutchings said “The inductees have performed at exceptionally high athletic levels, and have represented ACPS with high standards of citizenship and character.”Dr. Hutchings went on to honor and applaud the 2020 & 2021 inductees in his speech. Hutchings exclaimed how these athletes all represent diversity, as well as give today’s students exceptional athletes and people to look up to. Hutchings said “The athletes we honor today represent who we are as a city and as a school.”
Each year a certain, exclusive amount of athletes are inducted into the Athletic Hall of Fame. This year because of COVID-19 they are inducting both 2020 & 2021 inductees. To be inducted into the Athletic Hall of Fame you have to be an alumnus of ACPS high schools. According to committee member and 2020 inductee Roberta Elliot Speight “ Each year several names are submitted for each category and voted upon via the committee members.”
School board member and Athletic Hall of Fame organizer Megan Alderton went on to vocalize the love and appreciation for the inductees. Alderton said “Since the inception in 2014 the Hall of Fame has selected 64 athletes, 13 coaches, and 4 teams.”
The ceremony was later moved outside to reveal the plaques to all the inductees. The inductees gathered around taking pictures with their plaques and talking to their fellow inductees. When asked how it felt to be inducted into their high school Athletic Hall of Fame, basketball player Corrin Reid said “It’s a very surreal moment. I’m honored to be amongst all these athletes and legends; I can’t believe it.”’ Gathered around the plaques Reid proudly said “Dreams are worth believing.”
Fellow inductee, Stacey Fletcher, athlete of the girls indoor track team said
“It is great to feel all the team spirit here.”
The inductees honored in this event are:
2020 Inductees:
Katherine McAdoo, Swimming, Class of 2000
Roberta Elliott Speight, Track and Field, Class of 1984
Craig Harris, Basketball, Class of 1977
Cedric Matterson, Track and Field, Class of 1984
Bob Kessler, Basketball, Class of 1952
Lynwood Robinson, Football, Class of 1971
Mike Hynson, Basketball Coach, Class of 1959
1971 ACHS High School Football Team
2021 Inductees:
Troy Bailey, Baseball, Class of 1988
Earl Cook, Football, Class of 1973
Louis R. Harris Jr., Football, Basketball, Baseball, Class of 1963
Jason Ingram, Basketball, Class of 2001
Veda Nicely McCoy, Track and Field, Class of 1984
Corrin Reid, Basketball, Class of 1997
Dianne Richardson Lewis, Basketball, Class of 1977
Mike Tomasello, Cross Country and Track and Field Coach, 1969-71, 1974-80
1956 George Washington Boys Basketball Team
1990-91 Girls Indoor Track State Championships Team
If you know someone who might be interested in joining the Athletic Hall of Fame, please email: AHOF@acps.k12.va.us
Photo courtesy of Susan Hale Thomas