Vanessa Mensah
Staff Writer
WOW your hair, can I touch it?My kinks and my curls are not up for displayYou look at my hair as if it was the biggest show on Broadway Your hair was just in these long beautiful braids. What happened?Weather I put my hair in locks, cornrows, slick backs, weaves, whether it short one day and long the next, even if I put it in a top knot bun Yes my hair shape shifts, and yes it is a gift Why is it so hard for me to run my fingers through your hair?Because your fingers are not meant to comb through a black woman’s hairNot woman I meant queen My kinks and my curls are my backgroundMy ancestors strive night and day picking through cotton with their beautiful hands Those are the hands that are supposed to comb through a black woman’s hair My kinks and my curls are not up for display