TC's Robert Longerbeam preps for gameday (Photo by Robert Longerbeam).
By Guarav Bhanot and Giquan Williams
T.C. Williams had a fruitful season, making it to the playoffs with a 7-3 record thanks to an excellent passing and rushing attack and an elite secondary. As they headed into the playoffs against Lake Braddock, who were also 7-3, the Titans focused on execution and a couple of surprises for the game. After an early exit from the playoffs last year, the Titans looked to go all the way to the State Championship. “The team has been saying since the summer that we are better than last year and [we] are all focused on our shared common goal to make to the state championship, [and we are] ready for anything coming our way,” said wide receiver Robert Longerbeam, son of Head Coach Longerbeam. After their losing 32-18 to Lake Braddock, however, T.C. must now look to next season to build on their success.