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The Student News Site of Alexandria City High School


The Student News Site of Alexandria City High School


The Student News Site of Alexandria City High School


Theogony Appreciates Mr. Heller

Theogony Appreciates Mr. Heller

May 14, 2022
Mick Heller has worked as Theogony’s Consulting Adviser for the past five years. Prior to volunteering for ACHS he worked as a sports copy editor at The Washington Post for 15 years. Before that he worked as a news and sports writer for The Baltimore Sun and The Washington Times.
A Glimpse into the ACHS College and Career Center

A Glimpse into the ACHS College and Career Center

March 18, 2022
The ACHS Jack Taylor College and Career Center is located in room A114 and is open to grades 9-12. It is a place for students to express themselves and learn about college or general interests that they have.
Connectivity Issues Worsen at AC

Connectivity Issues Worsen at AC

February 28, 2022
After a rocky start at the beginning of the year, the wifi had been working smoothly for the last couple of months. However, in the past few weeks, students and teachers have been experiencing slower wifi and more connectivity issues. 
Spring Sports Sprint Into Action

Spring Sports Sprint Into Action

February 23, 2022
As winter sports come to an end, there are eight sports firing up as the weather gets warmer. Baseball, crew, lacrosse, rugby, soccer, softball, tennis, and track are beginning their seasons this week. Tryouts started February 21 and continue through the 25. Each sport has varying times and dates for tryouts occurring this week. 
Concerns of Potential Virtual

Concerns of Potential Virtual

February 1, 2022
After winter break, ACPS released its protocol for transitioning to virtual learning. Rather than have the entire district go virtual, it outlines plans for when specific grades or schools may need to go virtual for a period of time. 
Return of Winter Sports

Return of Winter Sports

November 9, 2021
The 2021 winter season marks the first season of winter sports since 2019 at Alexandria City High School. The winter sports include basketball, swim and dive, gymnastics, wrestling, indoor track and field, cheer, and ice hockey. Tryouts will be held throughout the week of November 8th, but dates vary based on the sport.
Ellie Lo plays the piano. Courtesy of Ellie Lo.

TC Students Make the All-Virginia Jazz Ensemble

June 3, 2021
The All-Virginia Jazz ensemble is a selected group of musicians from all over Virginia that perform in concerts together. Junior Brendan Putnum on drums and senior Patrick Kenny on bass both made the ensemble, while junior Tucker Stone on trumpet, junior Ellie Lo on piano, and freshman Zacharia Stover on bass are alternates.
Alexandria's current progress towards reaching their goal of 80% of residents being vaccinated.

Alexandria’s Vaccination Process

May 19, 2021
On May 10, the FDA granted Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine emergency use authorization for kids ages 12-15. The CDC signed off on this two days later. This marks the beginning of kids getting vaccinated, which helps the United States reach its goal of herd immunity.
ACPS Logo Contest for Alexandria City High School

ACPS Logo Contest for Alexandria City High School

April 20, 2021
As of July 1, 2021 T.C. Williams High School will be known as Alexandria City High School. With this name change comes a new logo as well. This new logo could be anywhere in the building, merchandise, sports uniform, or anywhere ACPS wants to put it.
Prediction of Summer Trends

Prediction of Summer Trends

April 1, 2021
The year is flying by, which means summer is only a few months away. With summer comes new fashion trends, and this year, elementary school style is coming back. The more sparkles and rainbow colors the better. You want the least amount of skin showing, which means, no midriffs or thighs showing this summer, just like elementary school!
Reopening Schools: How do Parents and Students Feel?

Reopening Schools: How do Parents and Students Feel?

March 24, 2021
Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS) reopened schools for hybrid learning to all students on March 16. The days students are attending in-person school depend on their last name. If their last name starts with A-M, they come in on Tuesday and Wednesday; those with last names starting with N-Z go in on Thursday and Friday.
Club Profile: Watershed Warriors

Club Profile: Watershed Warriors

February 3, 2021
Watershed Warriors is a club at T.C. Williams that aims to help educate Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS) elementary school students about our watersheds so they learn to care for the environment. It is currently run by juniors Amelia Bernstein and Ella Bruinooge but it was originally started by Ana Humphrey, a 2019 graduate.
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