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The Student News Site of Alexandria City High School


The Student News Site of Alexandria City High School


The Student News Site of Alexandria City High School


T.C. Teachers’ Take on Online Learning

T.C. Teachers’ Take on Online Learning

June 3, 2020
Over the past three months, coronavirus has caused unprecedented changes to take place in everyone’s daily lives: who they can see, which stores they can shop at, how they work, and in the case of students, how they can continue to learn outside of a classroom environment. T.C. Williams is no different, and teachers are being forced to make changes to maintain learning online. Theogony talked to five T.C. teachers and here are their four major takeaways about online learning.
A Declaration of Independence from the College Board

A Declaration of Independence from the College Board

April 1, 2020
When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for a student body to dissolve the academic bands which have connected them with the College Board, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Education entitle them, a decent respect to the stress levels of students requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
The True Purpose of Honor Societies

The True Purpose of Honor Societies

December 11, 2019
There seems to be an honor society for every subject. Topics range from math to Latin to social studies, and according to the T.C. club website, there are seven currently active at T.C. (The National Honor Society is another honor society, but is not included in the club list.)
TC's Reaction to Impeachment

TC’s Reaction to Impeachment

November 11, 2019
In the past couple of weeks, the nation has been buzzing with talk of the possible impeachment of President Donald Trump. Since T.C. is in close proximity to the nation’s capital, students are closely tied to the issue and have mixed feelings about the impeachment investigation.
Tall Girl's Tall Tale

Tall Girl’s Tall Tale

October 15, 2019
“How’s the weather up there?” is a line repeated constantly in the new Netflix Original movie Tall Girl, which has recently taken the internet by storm. The movie’s release on September 13th, as well as its intense marketing campaign on social media platforms such as Instagram and Snapchat, has garnered the movie significant attention, but generally not the positive kind.
Students at Mt. Vernon Community School. Photo Courtesy of ACPS Website.

Dual Language: The Program Left Behind

October 8, 2019
Many students in ACPS have been taking Spanish since entering elementary school as a part of the Dual Language program. Offered at both Mount Vernon Community School and John Adams Elementary School, this Spanish-immersion program is lost once students move to middle school.
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