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The Student News Site of Alexandria City High School


The Student News Site of Alexandria City High School


The Student News Site of Alexandria City High School


School Board members and employees in the Collective Bargaining Committee meet in the boardroom at ACPS’ Central Office on January 25. Outside the circle, various community members and teachers look on. Board Chair Dr. Michelle Rief, Abdel Elnoubi, Dr. Ashley Simpson-Baird and Meagan Alderton sit around the table. Lawyers from the Isler-Dare firm sit at the side. / Screenshot from the ACPS TV live Zoom recording.

Collective Bargaining in ACPS Reaches New Tipping Point after Draft Resolution Released

Yahney-Marie Sangaré, Co-Editor-in-Chief February 8, 2024

At the January 18 public hearing for the next school year’s proposed budget, David Paladin-Fernandez took the final slot for public comment. Wearing a Titan’s Wrestling hoodie -- the Jefferson Houston...

Shannon Campos-Dowdy teaches social studies and serves as a building representative for the Education Association of Alexandria (EAA), which serves a similar role to a teacher's union.

A Collective Look at Collective Bargaining

James Libresco, Editor November 16, 2023

Collective bargaining has been a central part of labor movements throughout history. America’s leading union organization, the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO),...

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Collective bargaining