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The Student News Site of Alexandria City High School


The Student News Site of Alexandria City High School


The Student News Site of Alexandria City High School


Lionel Richie Wins The Gershwin Prize in DC

Lionel Richie Wins The Gershwin Prize in DC

May 17, 2022
On March 7, 2022, Lionel Richie won the Gershwin Prize for Popular Song. The Gershwin Prize for Popular Song acknowledges songwriters that have spent their life dedicated to their craft and celebrates songwriters' achievements in music. This award is truly a milestone artists can only dream of achieving. The previous winners include Paul McCartney, Stevie Wonder, Willie Nelson, and Carole King. This year, the Library of Congress awarded Lionel Richie the award to commemorate the accomplishments in his lifetime. 
Let DC Be Your Date

Let DC Be Your Date

February 14, 2022
To start the day off, catch the Blue Line headed towards Largo Town Center at the King Street or Braddock Road Metro Stations in Alexandria. Ride the train until you arrive at the Metro Center stop, where it’s time to get off. Walk down G St. towards 13th St. and you’ll find Bluestone Lane Coffee Shop. The shop is clean and quiet with a bright aesthetic. Employees at Bluestone Lane recommend you get the “Avocado/With the Lot,” which is avocado toast with prosciutto and feta cheese and tomatoes. For drinks, they recommend the “Affogato,” which is vanilla ice cream served with a double shot of espresso.
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