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The Student News Site of Alexandria City High School


The Student News Site of Alexandria City High School


The Student News Site of Alexandria City High School


Alexandria City Public Schools

Is DOE Doomed?

Noah Sternberg, Staff Writer October 29, 2024
The Future of Federal Funding for ACHS
Virginia Education Board to Ban Social Studies

Virginia Education Board to Ban Social Studies

Yahney-Marie Sangaré, Editor April 1, 2023
The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) has announced that Virginia will move forward with a proposed draft of social studies standards that will, in the words of the draft, “just get rid of the dang thing.” This move comes after weeks of intense criticism from stakeholders, parents, teachers, students and academics over the January draft, which controversially included such changes as omitting the words “fascism” and “diversity.”
A photo collage of Republican Governor Glenn Youngkin, on the left, and Interim Superintendent Dr. Melanie Kay-Wyatt (right).

ACPS Not to Comply with Youngkin Anti-Transgender Policy

James Libresco, Editor September 21, 2022
ACPS has announced it will not comply with a new statewide model school board policy issued by the Virginia Department of Education on Friday, September 16 that aimed to roll back transgender rights for students. 
Opinion: BrainPOP Should be Popped Out of Existence

Opinion: BrainPOP Should be Popped Out of Existence

May 3, 2022
I am appealing to fellow scholars and educators of our esteemed Alexandria City High School about a matter of the utmost importance facing our students today. Last Friday, I attempted to access YouTube on my school-issued Chromebook during Lunch and Learn to study a concept for a test. I then realized that YouTube is restricted. 

Teachers Take Side Jobs to Offset Low Pay

April 29, 2022
Imagine ordering an Uber after a late night out with friends and seeing your teacher pull up. While the situation seems unlikely, many teachers work side jobs to make a living. Teachers are some of the hardest working members of society, so why are they underpaid? Forty Alexandria City High School teachers participated in a survey about teacher pay and side jobs, and the results were illuminating. 
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