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The Student News Site of Alexandria City High School


The Student News Site of Alexandria City High School


The Student News Site of Alexandria City High School


Join (or Contribute to) Your School Newspaper

Join (or Contribute to) Your School Newspaper

May 30, 2022
Recently, I wrote an op-ed on why some students are reluctant to share their ideas candidly. I suggested potential solutions to the problem, namely outlets for expressions such as Socratic Seminars and class discussions. This time, I’d like to talk about another form of expression that students should take advantage of if they can — joining, or contributing to, Theogony. 
The Reader's Journey (to Find a Good Book)

The Reader’s Journey (to Find a Good Book)

December 16, 2021
At ACHS, reading is a big part of life for many Titans. With multiple book clubs and reading spaces, like the sprawling library, some consider being a reader part of their identity. “I think it's really neat how authors can capture entire worlds and cultures, and even create some from their own mind,” said junior Grace Grenn, who loves to read fantasy.
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