In a flurry of flips, jumps, and twirls, ACHS's 2024 Spring Musical Bring It On! does not fail to live up to its name. Based on the already iconic movie franchise of the same name, the musical was co-written...
On June 19 1953, a man and a woman sit next to each other on stage. Above them, a radio announces the soon to be execution of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. “America, we are murderers,” the man says....
The auditorium stage is an important part of the school. It is where plays and assemblies happen and where the concerts the choir and orchestra put on take place. Naturally, it matters that the auditorium stage is safe for everyone who stands on it.
The ACHS Theatre Department held its annual One Act Play Festival Competition on January 6 and 7 in the auditorium. Five plays— Dinner with the MacGuffins; I’m Okay Now, Poppa; The S-Word; Just a Stage He’s Going Through; and Malaika Sings the Blues— were featured. Just a Stage He’s Going Through placed first and moved onto the District level.
The 2022 fall plays, One Slight Hitch by Lewis Black and Chicken and Biscuits by Douglas Lyons, premiered from November 11 to November 19 of 2022. The plays were executive directed by Leslie Jones and executive produced by Hope Bachman. The plays were student directed by junior Yahney-Marie Sangare and student stage managed by junior KD Bectel. All photos by Theogony staff writer Pablo Cruz.
One Slight Hitch, the Titan Theater Department’s Fall Play, was performed this fall quarter. The play-comedy written by comedian Lewis Black tackled family relationships and internal conflict interwoven with political commentary about the American Dream.
The curtains are drawn and the house lights are flickering. The crowd’s whispers descend into silence. The music rises, and the scene is unveiled; in the auditoriums of George Washington Middle School, Francis C. Hammond, and Alexandria City High School, a new world takes precedence.
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